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Hot Tub Cleaning

Hot Tub Cleaning Information – Hot Tubs Cleaning

Hot tub cleaning practices is what will make you want to jump into the hot tub spa, or stay far, far away from the dirty thing. This is 3 different processes: sanitizers/hot tub shock treatment, actually cleaning your hot tubs, and changing your hot tubs water. Doing these 3 processes regularly will ensure the best hot tub cleaning.

Hot Tub Cleaning – Changing The Water

Before you can give your spa the proper hot tub cleaning it needs to be clean, you need to completely drain it. Depending on how often you use your hot tub spa will dictate how often the water needs to be changed. But as a general rule, you should change the water every 3-4 months.

Hot Tub Cleaning – Actually Cleaning Your Hot Tubs Shell

After you drain your hot tubs your going to want to actually clean the hot tub spa shell. Outdoor spas will need this the most, but indoor hot tubs will need this as well. You should use a scrubber brush apply any cleaning chemical that you bought from your local hot tub store. After this you should use stain and scale prevention for the best spa shell hot tub cleaning

After you gave your hot tubs a good scrub and used a stain and scale prevention product, and got all of the residue off the walls, you should rinse your hot tub spa out completely. Don’t leave any residue from the chemicals, or you will be bathing in those cleaning chemicals later.

Hot Tub Cleaning – Sanitizers & Shock Treatment

The last step to your hot tub cleaning is adding your hot tub sanitizers and shock treatment. Always follow directions on the products package, and don’t combine chemicals unless otherwise told to. Go to our hot tub chemicals section for more information regarding this phase of hot tub cleaning.

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