Hot Tub Wiring

Hot Tub Wiring Information – Hot Tub Electrical Wiring

Before we go over hot tub wiring, be warned that this can be a dangerous job if not done correctly. With that said, there are some parts of hot tub wiring that might save you some hot tub service money.

Hot Tub Wiring Warnings

Hot Tub wiring can result in electrocution leading to major injuries and even death. If you aren’t comfortable in doing the hot tub wiring job yourself, don’t even try.

If you hire somebody to do your hot tub wiring that is unlicensed, if anything happens to your hot tubs during the process the hot tub warranty won’t cover any damages. This can end up costing you a whole lot more money.

If you hire somebody to do your hot tub wiring that is uninsured, if they get hurt in the process they can sure you and try to get whatever they can out of you. We know that these are nightmare stories, but have happened before.

Hot Tub Wiring Diagram

This hot tub wiring diagram is intended for professional use only. If you are not a hot tub service professional, we recommend that you leave this job to the professionals. Getting a professional to come out to your portable hot tubs normally costs around $200, but will help you sleep at night knowing that the job was done right, and that you and your family will be safe when using your hot tub spa. Trying to do your hot tub wiring yourself can get ugly.

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